watch "humble" music video
“Humble” is my first Music Video for the American singer IAN MUNSICK.

THE CRAZY HORROR Character Design
"The Crazy Character Design" project focuses on rubber hose style character design. The goal is to explore different ideas and concepts for clients and their businesses. Attention is paid to details and the perfect combination of shapes and colors is sought to make the characters attractive and relevant to the target audience. This portfolio project is an opportunity to showcase character design skills and develop new ideas and techniques

“Humble” is my first Music Video for the American singer IAN MUNSICK. It’s made entirely in traditional 2D animation. Song dedicated to Chris Ledoux, the Wyoming cowboy.

Character Design VOL#2
"Character Design VOL#2" Proyecto personal 2019 Quito Ecuador Artista : Abel Barriga "Desmun Cubic"

Ilustration VOL#2
Ilustration VOL#2
Hey folks!
Over a course of a year or so I have been creating digital pieces.
I felt that each single one did not deserve a separate post, so I've piled them up into a massive megapost.
Please find me on Instagram and Facebook - every smidgen of support will be appreciated

Old Cartoon

Cuphead "Art Studio"

SPIDER MAN "Far From Home"
Hey folks!
Talent House asked me to do a piece about the Spider man "Far from home".
Over a course of a three weeks or so i`ve created a illustration about the Spider Man movie.
Please find me on Instagram and Facebook - every smidgen of support will be appreciated

A quick reinterpretation of my favorite manga characters. — Dragon Ball Master Roshi Piccolo - Shin — Death Note Ryuk — One Punch Man Saitama — Street Fighter Blanca Ken — Marvel Spider man Thor — Naruto Rock lee — Pennywise

Penny Royal

El Quiteño

Movistar Contenido Digital
El trabajo que realizado para Movistar Ecuador
Medio digital
Técnicas: Ilustración, animación y Edición
Agencia Publicis

Illustration "Stefan Sagmeister"
Proyecto de diseño editorial e ilustración realizado para la revista Insights
del diseñador gráfico y director de arte austriaco Stefan Sagmeister.

The Art of Human Being | More than 40 artists
The art of Human Being is international art project
In the basis of every project there is an idea, there is a thought that you want to deliver to the heart and the mind of your audience.
The main idea of our exhibit is kindness. Not a fairy sort of kindness, not the kindness that can’t ever exist. But the kindness which is so real that you can actually touch it, the existing physically high quality kindness.
We want to offer our idea of the future through an art prism of caring and saving of wild nature. True art has such huge strength and it’s so full of powerful thoughts.
Please look around, stay silent and listen for just a minute. Feel it! Be a part of our team! We can call our project international due to multiple artist and illustrators from all over the world are participating in it. Let’s take care of our planet together.
Let’s be TOGETHER, as TOGETHER everything is possible!

Movistar Animations
Animación Digital
En Ecuador nuestra comunicación se alinea de igual manera a la plataforma actual de la marca. A pesar de aquello, nuestro rol de entretenimiento no se descarta. La libertad de las redes sociales nos permite darle movimiento y caracterización a los muros, plataformas en donde el video cada vez tiene más sustancia.

Diseño de personaje "Chat books" Telefonica 2016 Quito Ecuador Artista : Abel Barriga "Desmun Cubic"

Ilustration VOL#1
"IlustrationvVOL#1" Proyecto personal 2017 Quito Ecuador Artista : Abel Barriga "Desmun Cubic"

Discover: Navigram
A generation that has an expertise in content creation needed to see something unique and different this christmas. We knew that all the brands would manage the same old codes, we changed the game.
We get in the head of digital artists from Instagram, so they can interpret christmas from their perspective, because in our heads, we all have a Discover version of christmas.

Digital art by illustrator Abel Barriga aka Desmun Cubic.
A. Baldor ilustración de portada de libro .

Street Fighter (illustrated edition)
Bechance brought together 9 illustrators to reinterpret street fighter's characters in their own style.

Diseño de personaje "Portrait"
Proyecto personal 2016
Quito Ecuador
Artista : Abel Barriga "Desmun Cubic"

Character Design
This is a serie of digital paintings that I made to study light and colour.
I hope you enjoy it!!

F*ck Christmas
"F*ck Chirtsmas" Proyecto personal 2016 Quito Ecuador Artista : Abel Barriga "Desmun Cubic"

Yo + Rudo
Personal proyect
Art by Desmuncubic
Quito- Ecuador

Water demons
Personal proyect animation Desmun Cubic Artist: Abel Barriga Quito-Ecuador 2016

Adidas Zx Flux
Bueno esta ilustración se realizó para un concurso a nivel nacional en el país de Ecuador que se encuentra en Sudamérica.
Mi trabajo fue uno de los 50 finalistas entre 636 trabajos que se enviaron .
La temática trataba sobre los zapatos zxflux .
Los programas que utilice para elaborar la obra fueron Photoshop . procreate , Illustrator.
La mayoría del trabajo lo trabaje en mi ipad 4.
Los personajes que se utilizaron son representativos de la ciudad donde vivo la virgen del Panecillo que es un monumento que se encuentra en el centro de Quito y diabluma que es un personaje principal de las fiestas tradicionales de mi ciudad.
Espero les guste .
Y visiten mi web site

Movistar Play - Cuco